1.上映時間と送付方法 (上映時間は、30秒程度といたします。)
注2)収録する素材・BGMは、著作権上問題のないものであること。合作可、必ず自作・未発表作品のこと。動画ソフトの使用は構いません。 これまでの入賞作品をご覧下さい。
(このページの 一番下の欄に過去の禁煙CMコンテストのリンクがあります)
郵送先:〒162-0063 東京都新宿区市谷薬王寺町30-5-201 日本禁煙学会 「タバコは健康を損なう:動画CMコンテスト」係
3.締め切り 2019年10月7日9月30日(月) 消印有効
1位 1名 賞金10万円と賞状
2位 5名 賞金2万円と賞状
3位 10名 賞金1万円と賞状
5.結果発表 後日審査ののち、入賞者に通知し、入選作品は当会ホームページに掲載します(YouTube等でのリンクを予定)。
※ 入賞作品の著作権は、日本禁煙学会に帰属するものとし、応募作品はお返ししません。 ※ 個人情報は、当会が責任を持って厳重に管理し、漏洩のないようにいたします。
一般社団法人 日本禁煙学会 http://www.jstc.jp/
電話:03-5360-8233 Fax:03-5360-6736
Rules for applying and judging
1. Running time (approximately 30 seconds) and remittance
CM production video (computer generated imaging, animation or motion picture containing voice or background music (BGM)) of approximately 30 seconds in duration containing a title and conclusion, recorded on CD, CD-R, DVD or other media, and remitted via the postal service. Please put the subject of the video in the title.
Comment 1) Video file formats compatible on YouTube are .wmv, .avi, .mov, .mpg, and .flv.
Comment 2) For recording material and background music (BGM), there should be absolutely no copyright issues. Cooperation and solo work are both permissible, but production must be from previously unpublished work. You may use video software.
You may view previous winning productions.
(The column at the bottom of the CM no smoking contest page was previously the no smoking CM contest link.)
Postal address: Japan Society for Tobacco Control, 30-5-201 Ichigaya Yakuōji-machi, Shinjuku-ku, Tōkyō-to, Japan, 〒162-0063 (Attention: Tobacco damages health: video CM contest)
Application instructions: please write carefully the postal code, address, full name, age, occupation, e- mail, telephone, title, content summary (within 200 words) and running time. When we announce the winner, if you do not wish to use your real name but a pen name, please write a postscript for this purpose. In this case, your real name would not be used in the official announcement.
Deadline: valid postmark by 7OCT. 2019(Monday)
1st place: 1 person, monetary award of 100,000 yen and a certificate
2nd place: 5 people, each with a monetary award of 20,000 yen and a certificate
3rd place: 10 people, each with a monetary award of 10,000 yen and a certificate
(Depending on the number of applicants, none may be applicable.)
5. After judging, we will announce the results and notify the prize winners, and the winning production will be posted on this organization’s homepage (with a link to YouTube).
Copyright of the winning production shall belong to the Japan Society for Tobacco Control, and application entries will not be returned. As for personal information, this organization will rigorously preventing it from being disclosed.
General incorporated association, Japan Society for Tobacco Control
Telephone: 03-5360-8233 Fax:03-5360-6736
Copyright © 日本禁煙学会 All Rights Reserved.